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Crop Protection :: Pest of Sugarcane

Termites: Odontotermes obesus Rhamb
  • Characteristic semi- circular feeding marks on the margin of the leaves in the standing crop.
  • Poor germination of setts (after planting) 
  • Causes yellowing and drying of outer leaves first followed by the inner leaves
  • Entire shoot dries up and can be pulled out.
  • Setts hollow inside and may be filled with soil.
  semi-circular feeding   Drying of outer leaves Setts filled with soil
Identification of pest:
  • Eggs: Dull, kidney shaped and hatches in 30-90 days
  • Nymphs: Moult 8-9 times and are full grown in 6-12 months
  • Adult: Creamy coloured tiny insects resembling ants with dark coloured head.


Cultural method:

  • Flood irrigation at the time of planting because it stops termite attack due to excess moisture and the optimum moisture level will revive.
  • Fill the gaps in the field to compensate the population

Physical method:

  • Locate and destroy the termite colony.
  • Collect and destroy the termite affected setts from the field.

Chemical method:

  • Dip the setts in imidacloprid 70WS 0.1% or chlopyriphos 20 EC 0.04% for 5min.
  • Treat the soil with lindane 1.6 D @ 50 kg / ha



Content Validators:
Dr.V.Jayakumar, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology), Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore -641007.
Dr.T.Ramasubramanian, Senior Scientist (Entomology), Division of Crop Protection, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore -641007.
Dr.M.Ravi, Assistant Professor (Entomology), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sirugamani- 639115.

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